Tuesday, October 14

For those of you who were concerned, never fear--I remedied the Eric Whitacre situation :D

I think I associate fall with music more than any other season.  In middle school I was always excited to get back to school and start playing again after the long summer of keeping my flute tucked under my bed or in the back of my closet.  Even now I admit I don't practice as much as I should over the summer, and by August (and even the end of June) my heart aches for new music.  And of course, in high school fall meant marching band!  Sure, it started in June but fall was when it mattered--the crisp air at football games, hearing Mr. Slightom over the PA announcing the show, long hours taking the same steps over and over again in the high school parking lot until they were perfect and permenant.  Having cheerleaders come up to me as drum major and say how much they appreciated all the work the band put into football games and tailgating parties, and how much more fun things were when we were there.  

And now I think of all the wonderful autumnal joy in the TFL--hand turkeys and pressed leaves and apple cider and that mischevious crock pot.  Playing with prospectives at Music Opportunities Weekend--and having all of them make hand turkeys, too!  Missing and reminiscing about student teachers who are missing and recent grads, and getting to know new grad students.  And last year, terrorizing each other with El Methods songs, welcoming songs for back-to-school and fall songs--halloween!  Yesterday Nicholette and I sang "A Famous Man" in celebration of Columbus day, and I hummed the Christopher Columbus song from the Y to myself, too.  I love hitting that point in the semester where there's still time to have coffee dates, that sweet lull right after a concert and right before Christmas music.  I love the beginning of Recital Season, singing the Doxology in the atrium with harmonies like there must be in heaven (of course, tuned to Chelsea Keane!), and the smell of flowers and candles and warm cookies rising over prayers of thanksgiving.  I love mingling after recitals instead of practicing or getting homework done or going to bed--and I love sitting in the hall right above the atrium and watching everyone else enjoy each others' company.

And of course, I love fall as a new (student) teacher.  I love the smell of freshly-sharpened pencils (remember the box in the TFL?) and the joy of sweaters and name tags and seating charts, the anticipation and a level of preparation that I won't have time or energy for again until next fall. I love browsing through J.W. Pepper and seeing what might be good for christmas or spring concerts, hearing drum lines from other schools practicing from my open window.  I love looking for school supplies, touching different notebooks to see how the paper would feel under note-taking, being absolutely obsessive over highlighter and pen colors.  I. love. fall.

And that, more or less, is what I think about when I hear "October."  I remember hearing it as a freshman when wind ensemble played it; I remember hearing it when Avon (I think?) used it in their marching band show--chilled fingers curled around chain-link fences, ears straining to hear from the wrong side of the field, breath visible in the dusk and caught by the beauty of the moment.  

Thursday, October 9


It just occured to me that I've made it all the way to October 9th without listening to Eric Whitacre's "October." Something must be wrong with me!
I think I'll fix this over lunch today....

Friday, October 3

I neglected to mention a few other things I wanted to share that make me happy:

  • Bekah pointed out a sweet Canadian jazz station to me on the radio.  (I spend a lot of time in my car.  It's not healthy.)  I spend most of my radio time going back and forth between it and the amazing classical station buffalo has, 94.5 WNED.  WNED keeps me pretty entertained--I love the morning anchor, with her somehow both chipper and soothing "good morning!"s, but sometimes you just can't handle any more harpsichord and for those times I've turned to 91 Jazz FM.  It's depressing sometimes, because they say the weather in celsius and that makes it sound SO MUCH COLDER--and trust me, it's already quite cold!  But I enjoy listening to the djs bicker back and forth, and their canadian accents entertain me more than they frustrate me, which is good (and quite different than my opinion on the buffalo accent).  Anyway, yes, I am lame enough that a radio station seemed blog worthy.
  • The heat in my apartment is free.  Have I mentioned recently that it's cold outside?  Because it's really frigging cold.  Like, unseasonable-even-for-NY cold.  Not quite freezing but seriously....cold!  I'd had in my mind for a while that I should just wear a sweatshirt, and then today I remembered--we don't pay for heat!  I turned it on and cranked it up and now my apartment is nice and toasty. Mmmm.
  • After much searching, I found a recording of the string/bassoon quartet I want to have on my recital.  I spent the better part of two days hunting for it online--there's only one CD of it!  I really didn't want to actually order it if I could get it online, and I found it Monday.  Our music store delivery guy came in last Friday while I was hunting for it, and because he's pretty much the nicest man in the world he asked me about it today.  I shared with him my jubilation over having found a recording, and offered to play a little of it for him.  We ended up agreeing to trade mix cds next friday, which is goofy but I'm excited.  Have I mentioned I spend A LOT OF TIME in my car?  I'm all about finding new music to listen to. 

Thursday, October 2

So, after all my whining and complaining, the past week has been good.  Thursday night the boys apartment had us over for dinner and it was amazing!  I knew Jesse could cook after the Physics Pancakes, but I didn't know Chris could and I was way impressed by both of them.  We stuck around and watched the office and I learned that Chris and I are a lot more alike than I ever thought--he likes How I Met Your Mother!  I'm slowly winning over all the student teachers--Bekah is on to season two! :D  Friday Bekah and I went down to Houghton for the Rastrelli Cello Quartet artist series and it was amazing.  They only play music that was written for other instruments. They're fantastic! And, it's always nice to be at Houghton.  

Bekah and I spent the night, and then Saturday we hurried back after Bekah was done working to start working on dinner.  CMENC always buys a block of tickets to the BPO season opener, and this year it was Itzahk Perlman!  We invited everyone who was going over for dinner, and we got home with less than an hour to clean the house, cook, shower...cook!!  A lot of people couldn't come for dinner because of a Philharmonia rehearsal, so we invited the rest over for dessert after and we ended up having all but 2 of the Houghton folks over either before or after--that's 28!  It was crazy packed and SO HOT in our apartment, but it was so great to have company... and the leftovers are good, too :)

This week has been iffy at school, but today was a major accomplishment: my teacher has to start writing lesson plans!  Ridiculous that he doesn't, right?  Anyway, the principal finally, definitively got on him about it and now he has to write and submit them.  This means I get to know what I'm doing before I do it! Yesss!!!

How are you?