My Shepherd will supply my need:
Jehovah is His Name
In pastures fresh
He makes me feed,
Beside the living stream.
He brings my wandering spirit back
When I forsake His ways,
And leads me, for His mercy’s sake,
In paths of truth and grace.
When I walk through the shades of death
Thy presence is my stay;
One word of Thy supporting breath
Drives all my fears away.
Thy hand, in sight of all my foes,
Doth still my table spread;
My cup with blessings overflows,
Thine oil anoints my head.
The sure provisions of my God
Attend me all my days;
O may Thy house be my abode,
And all my work be praise.
There would I find a settled rest,
While others go and come;
No more a stranger, nor a guest,
But like a child at home.
Friday, April 24
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Tuesday, April 14
Blogging is such a silly thing to do but I still sometimes get the urge. But we like things more when there are pictures, right?My recital was last month. It's really weird to have it be over. I've spent the last five or six years of my life worrying about it, and the last year preparing for it... and now it's over. I sort of wish I could do it again, but not enough to go to grad school. Look! More pictures!
My recital started with the Devienne Quartet no 1 in C. I love everything about these people. Seriously. I had sooo much fun playing with them, and they were so wonderfully reassuring to have on stage with me.
I spent a lot of time backstage worrying while Bekah was playing, both for myself and for her. She did so wonderfully, though! It was amazing.
The time I spent backstage not worrying I spent staring at my music and trying not to think about the fact that there was an audience. But Bekah and I played Elephant....
... And then it was done!
Afterwords, naturally, we went to the Truck Stop. Going to Houghton is kind of lame... Steak n Shake is so much cooler than a truck stop. But anything is fun when you're surrounded by wonderful people, right?
Right :)
Other things that have been wondeful since the last time I blogged include...The fabulous Stone Soup party, where everyone brought a picture book (or two, or three, or a whole stack... I have a problem) and something to contribute to soup. It was wonderful.
Hillary bought me a fish! She has the misfortune of being the orchestra president this year and our director decided that flowers for the seniors at the last concert is too... um... cliche? not special enough because that's what band does? Anyway, Hillary kept asking me what I wanted for having been in orchestra and one time my answer was "a fish!" So, this little fellow is named Maurice.
I love everything about my church. Palm Sunday was wonderful.
I also spent Easter Break at Bekah B's, but I was so content that I never broke out my camera. Oops.
How have you been?
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