Monday, July 20

Not Me Monday

I am definitely not joining in on the Not-Me-Monday craze after a week of outstanding stupidity, because I make good choices all the time and never do things I regret. Nope.  Also, I clearly don't even know what Not Me Monday is, since I am single and only 22 and have no reason to be reading Mommy Blogs. 


Anyway.  While at the dunes for the first half of the week, I most certainly did not get a preposterous sunburn from trying the hardest to sunscreen the parts of me that I knew would be showing in my interview outfit for Thursday, leaving big red splotches basically everywhere that was covered by clothing.  Nope. Not me!

I definitely did not use double-stick tape to make sure there were no awkward gaps in my button-up shirt when I went in for a job interview Thursday morning.  And I clearly didn't have to wake up my sister before leaving to ask if I could borrow a "grown-up" purse, because I am an adult and own plenty of responsible, professional-looking purses that are not large and covered in vegetarian buttons.

On Friday, I definitely did not take my neice to the playground with the size sticker still stuck on my new jeans.  Nope.  Not me.  I also definitely did not call a number of people, panicking from the Target parking lot about how my car wouldn't start because I hadn't put it in park.  No way.  I'm a responsible driver who knows how to turn her car off.  Really.  Not me!


Anonymous said...

Haha Hey Bridget, I can't tell you how many times I have shut off the car while still in Drive. And I don't think your purses are that bad. I think they help describe what you're passionate about, not show off how juvenile you are. But, as Tyler would say, that's one person's opinion.
