Friday, October 3

I neglected to mention a few other things I wanted to share that make me happy:

  • Bekah pointed out a sweet Canadian jazz station to me on the radio.  (I spend a lot of time in my car.  It's not healthy.)  I spend most of my radio time going back and forth between it and the amazing classical station buffalo has, 94.5 WNED.  WNED keeps me pretty entertained--I love the morning anchor, with her somehow both chipper and soothing "good morning!"s, but sometimes you just can't handle any more harpsichord and for those times I've turned to 91 Jazz FM.  It's depressing sometimes, because they say the weather in celsius and that makes it sound SO MUCH COLDER--and trust me, it's already quite cold!  But I enjoy listening to the djs bicker back and forth, and their canadian accents entertain me more than they frustrate me, which is good (and quite different than my opinion on the buffalo accent).  Anyway, yes, I am lame enough that a radio station seemed blog worthy.
  • The heat in my apartment is free.  Have I mentioned recently that it's cold outside?  Because it's really frigging cold.  Like, unseasonable-even-for-NY cold.  Not quite freezing but seriously....cold!  I'd had in my mind for a while that I should just wear a sweatshirt, and then today I remembered--we don't pay for heat!  I turned it on and cranked it up and now my apartment is nice and toasty. Mmmm.
  • After much searching, I found a recording of the string/bassoon quartet I want to have on my recital.  I spent the better part of two days hunting for it online--there's only one CD of it!  I really didn't want to actually order it if I could get it online, and I found it Monday.  Our music store delivery guy came in last Friday while I was hunting for it, and because he's pretty much the nicest man in the world he asked me about it today.  I shared with him my jubilation over having found a recording, and offered to play a little of it for him.  We ended up agreeing to trade mix cds next friday, which is goofy but I'm excited.  Have I mentioned I spend A LOT OF TIME in my car?  I'm all about finding new music to listen to. 


lis said...

oh bridget. i miss you. i'm glad that there are some things that make you happy :)
music is always good. do you know noah and the whale? they are amazing. that and...hmm...mozart's requiem mass. that's been my listening for the past couple of days. and the continuous stream of bach. of course.
i hope that you remember what it is that you love about teaching music again. you just might take a while. think of all the kids who need your passion to make their own lives light up. like those blinking neon signs in the windows of pizza hut. you can make the sign stay on, not off. open, not closed.
there's my cheesy quasi-pep-talk for now. i can't wait to see you again!
much love.

Jacqui said...

I haven't read your posts in a few days (which I will remedy tomorrow), but what you said about my pictures...that might be the nicest compliment I have ever received. I am not sure if that is some sick and twisted thing to say that your sadness is something I will cherish, but the way you put it...well, that meant a lot.

Just remember not to spend so much time wishing and waiting that you forget that home is where you are. :)